School Admissions

Admission to Reception

Reception age children are admitted to school in the year which they are 5 years old i.e. between September 1st and August 31st of a given academic year.  Children are admitted on a full time basis in September. A child attending Nursery school may be admitted in January for valid child development reason. Such admissions will be rare and parents will need to talk to the school before making that choice.  Pupils aged between 4 and 7 years of age will be taught in classes of no more than 30 as set out in the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.

Pupils in Years One to Six

Pupils can be admitted to school at any time during the academic year although it is usual to wait until the end of a term to reduce disruption. The Governors would prefer these classes to be no bigger than 30 pupils.

In Year Admissions

From September 2010, any In-Year Admissions are dealt with by the Local Education Authority, please see below for further details and an application form.

How to Apply for a Place at Green Lane Primary School

Normally the first point of contact for parents it to ring the office and arrange to meet with either the Head of School, Assistant Headteacher or the admissions officer. Visits to the school are recommended.

If a place is requested, parents will be asked to fill in a form that includes important information such as full name, date of birth, home address, contact numbers, details of a child’s religion, home language, dietary requirements and any health needs are also required.

Once the place has been offered, parents are encouraged to bring their children into school to allow them to spend some time in their new class(es) getting to know the teacher and other children so that they can settle quickly into their new class(es) once they join us on a full time basis.

Children with SEND

If a child has a statement of Special Education Needs, admission to the school is at the discretion of the Governing Body. Further details can be obtained from the Executive Headteacher.

Extended Holidays (Leave of Absence)

The school does not support extended holidays during term times because this has a negative impact on the child’s work and progress in school.  We recognise that in extenuating circumstances parents may need to go abroad during term time. All such requests will have to be made in writing giving at least 2 weeks’ notice. You will be met by a member of staff to discuss the reasons for the leave of absence and the outcomes. The Executive Headteacher, may take further advice from the Governing Body, who will carefully consider the application and inform parents of the outcome.

Parents will need to fill in a form which clearly states the days their child will be away from school.

If the visit extends the return date, or past 20 school days, then it is possible the child will lose their place at the school and will not be re-admitted upon their return.

The Admissions Team process the annual allocations to reception and year seven, in-year applications and also the appeals procedure.

We offer advice to parents and other agencies regarding all admission and appeal related enquiries.

We also provide advice and guidance to schools concerning current and new legislation relating to admissions and ensure that the statutory responsibilities are carried out in accordance with the Admissions and Appeals Code of Practice.

If you wish to contact us, please ring 01274 439200, or, email us at or for in year applications:

Website:  About school admissions | Bradford Council

Members of the public who wish to attend Margaret McMillan Tower to meet with staff in the Admissions Team can do so with a pre-booked appointment on the following days and times (please ring to book).  It will not be possible for visitors to meet with Admissions staff outside these times.

Monday 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Tuesday 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Wednesday  – Closed

Thursday 1.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Friday 9.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.

Admissions Policy

A link to Priestley Academy Trust’s Admissions Policy, including details for Green Lane Primary School, can be found on our Policies page.